My Favorite Memory Of Debbie

The last time I saw Debbie I didn’t think it would be the last and just knew I would see her again. She went through great lengths that day to see me when she didn’t really have to, but she insisted. She was a caring, loving, determined and strong young lady. We had a pleasant visit during which I had some online work to do and couldn’t connect to the internet. Debbie was so kind as to offer her phone HOTSPOT just so I could get my work done. I would never ever forget that and was forever grateful to my Dear Niece for making that possible as I didn’t even know such a thing existed! Till this day I don’t know anyone who would have done that for me!
Debbie, you are truly missed and know that You Are LOVED.
Rest In Paradise Our Angel.

Get Ready...

Walking in her memory

November 4, 2023